Kathy and Mike

Kathy and Mike


Pinterest Playtime

So, let's face it, I'm addicted to Pinterest. 
No shame, no regret, just pure, happy, crafty addiction. 

Out of that addiction have emerged some pretty terrific projects (and several incredibly successful recipes). Here are the very first of my Pinterest success stories:

Can I just tell you, I found it heart breaking when I went to Michael's Crafts looking for jute, and the people at the craft store didn't know what jute was. Seriously?!? 
(Non crafters, don't feel bad. You aren't SUPPOSED to know. But crafty experts should know that it's crafting rope!)

I really love how these vases turned out. That's a pretty fab Goodwill upcycle, if I do say so myself.

 The other project I worked on with my cousin Katie. I want to get another photo with me actually wearing it, because I think it's hard to picture here. But, it's basically a braided scarf. Pretty cool, especially for someone who doesn't really crochet well and can't knit at all. 

Also - this was made in probably 2 hours while also watching a movie and chatting. My understanding is that crocheting and knitting take much....much...longer. So, cheers to the best scarf an unskilled, impatient person could hope to make!

Don't worry...there are many other Pinterest posts to come. You can Pinterest stalk me HERE


Baby Swiss

My next adventure....heading to Switzerland County. Check out some of the incredibly beautiful scenery en route to the organic dairy farm...

There seemed to be no other cars on the road once I got closer to Vevay. 

Here's the dairy farm!


So, why did I come back from the Dominican Republic and then go hang out on an organic dairy farm? 
Answer is simple - 
I needed some Diana time! 
Highlights included seeing her baby boy, Ebenezer, for the very first time; spending time with one of my very best friends; and sampling some awesome Brickhouse Cheese. (Seriously, get the swiss. I don't even like swiss, but that cheese is GOOD!) 

You know those friends you have who you can tell anything at all, and they still love you? Yeah, Diana is one of those people for me. She just moved back from Florida and I'm so GLAD she's back in Hoosierville!