Kathy and Mike

Kathy and Mike


The Ugly Mice Saga

Once upon a time, Mike wanted a wireless computer mouse. It seemed like a simple enough request, so he ordered one from Logitech when there was a Spoofee deal. It arrived promptly, but Mike soon discovered that it didn't work. He called Logitech and mailed them back the mouse. No problem.

A few days later, this came in the mail:

Now, some of you may consider this an upgrade from the all black version that Mike had originally ordered. Mike would disagree. He wanted black, not blue with some squiggly pattern. 

Call #2 to Logitech, and return #2 for Mike. 

A few days later, this came in the mail:

For those of you who find THIS to be an upgrade from all black, I question your taste. Not only is this NOT solid black, but it is significantly WORSE than the previous screw up. 

Call #3 to Logitech and return #3 for Mike. 

Today, Mike's solid black, non-Gothic wireless mouse finally arrived. He also got to keep mouse #1 and mouse #3. So, we now have three mice. Two of them work. And one of those two is really, really, really ugly. 

(Do people actually like having rock star-Gothic wireless mice? Really!?!? I just don't see the appeal.) 

(Also, yes, this is the most interesting thing that has happened lately. haha. So, that's why you're getting to read a post about our mouse purchase. Also, I thought it was funny.)


Cincy fun!

Last week was Mike's Spring Break, and we decided to go on a nice little romantic getaway. So, what romantic location did we choose? Cincinatti,of course! haha. What could be more romantic than Ohio!?! Okay, so Cincy isn't exactly romantic per se, but we had a fantastic mini-vacation.

First romantic stop on our mini-vacation was a lovely, quiet dinner, just the two of us. So, of course we chose something fancy and elegant. Haha. Or not. In true Kathy and Mike form - we chose the only Mexican restaurant in sight - El Nopal!

The waiter was giving Mike a hard time for not finishing his fajitis, so we told him Mike was saving the leftovers for lunch the next day. For some reason, the waiter found that funny and decided to write it on the box for Mike (or maybe he lives in a home where you have to claim your leftovers. I definitely know the feeling!) 

According to our waiter, the alternate spelling for "please" is apparently "pliss". Nice. Also, the pluralization of the word "thanks" is actually completely unnecessary when you think about it. He really may be on to something.

Here we are....on our way!

 We had reservations at a hotel near our final destination and we weren't really sure what to expect. It was fantastic! We were incredibly impressed!

Our final destination for the trip was the Creation Museum. We had heard so many great things about the museum, so I was very excited to check it out. 

Unfortunately, I think this picture argues the opposite of what the museum intended. I find it quite easy to see the resemblance here. What do you think?

One of our favorite parts of the museum was the Petting Zoo! I have this thing about touching animals. Basically, the thing is, I don't do it. Ever. I'll touch cats and dogs, and that is pretty much it. I like to look at other animals, but I'm not touching voluntarily. Mike, however, was pumped! As soon as we walked into the petting zoo, Mike looked at me with little puppy dog eyes and pleaded for a quarter so he could buy food to feed the animals. 

We soon discovered that the animals are quite discriminatory. If you don't have food - they're not interested. You could try to pet them until you were blue in the face, but if you didn't have food, they wanted NOTHING to do with you. 

Below you can see Mike feeding the Zonkeys! I was a big fan of these Donkey - Zebra hybrids (but absolutely never a big enough fan to touch ANY of these creatures). hehe.

Then, there was this fellow. This big guy confirmed the zillion and one reasons why I don't like to touch animals. He stuck his big ole head through the fence, and ate out of Mike's hand......

...and then Mike's hand looked like this! No joke - it took him about six washes to get that sticky thick saliva off his hand. 

Overall, we had a great time and really enjoyed just getting away for a couple of days.