Kathy and Mike

Kathy and Mike


You know you're in TN when....

After Mike's graduation, we took a week off and headed to Tennessee. We decided that you know you are in Tennessee when....

1. The local high school hosts a bass tournament to raise money for their band.  

2. You drive over Stinking Creek to get to "town" (aka...the only place nearby with a Walmart).

3. The gas station across the street from the Walmart has a sign for "Crack Your Teeth Cold Beer." I have to say, I think the one-toothed smiley face is a very classy touch.  

While we were there, we saw so many deer! It was really neat. 

We also enjoyed around 20 hours out on the boat. We had such a relaxing time! It was definitely hard to come back home. 


Graduation Fiesta Weekend

While graduation lasted only a couple of hours, the celebration lasted all weekend for Mike! We headed with his family to Brown County to celebrate, stopping first at a local Mexican restaurant. (Nothing says "Happy Graduation" like a delicious fajita dinner!)

Mike's loving brother, Dave, convinced the waiters and waitresses to sing "Happy Graduation" to Mike while, of course, forcing him to wear this ridiculous sombrero. Isn't Dave so sweet!?!

Will seemed to really enjoy the cake! 

After dinner, Mike and I went with his parents to stay in a cabin in Brown County. It was really nice, and the cabin stay came with passes to the indoor water park, which was a big hit!

Here's our attempt to get a family photo in an indoor water park!

Then, it was time to check out the water slide! Benjamin, Jack and Anna all took turns going down (and alternated which adult they invited to join them). 


Benjamin did such a good job swimming by himself with his pool noodle....while Collin decided to take a little nap. 

I would like to point out that while Mike spent the last three years reading all about laws and regulations, he seemed pretty quick to ignore the rule posted right behind his head here. (In case you can't read it in the photo, it says, "Please do not block jets." And, in case you can't tell, that's exactly what Mike is doing.)

On Sunday, we enjoyed a delicious Mother's Day brunch. Such a fun weekend, and a great way to celebrate Mike's graduation and Mother's Day! 

Before they left, the big kids gave Uncle Mike some really big bear hugs!!! (He's a pretty popular guy!)

Mike's Graduation

Mike's third and final graduation! (High school, undergrad, and now law school!) Let's hope this one sticks, so that we can both be done with school FOR-EV-ER (please read with Sandlot-style pronunciation)!

Mike had a LOT of family there to cheer him on!

Official proof that law school really is over! (YAY!)

Of course, we needed lots of pictures with the grad after the big ceremony. 

Benjamin decided he'd like to try on Mike's hat, but I think the foreshadowing was a bit to much for his momma! 

The happy grad! (And I'm so happy for both of us that law school is finished!)

Congratulations, Mike!!!! We're ALL so proud of you!


puffy sleeves and plaid pants

 Napoleon Dynamite, eat your heart out! Tacky fun was had by all at the Funlist Tacky Prom. This is an annual event hosted by our church...and we had a blast!

Can you believe that someone gave up this stunning dress (please note the net-like puffy sleeves) and left it to hang on a rack at Goodwill! Such a tragedy. But at least now this lovely ensemble has a good home (in my closet).haha.

I think that making your MySpace face while attending Tacky Prom brings the tackiness to a whole new level, really.

 Mike got to meet Yoda. While he was a bit smaller than we expected, I'd say they had an instant connection.

 Mike popping balloons with his butt...because that's how responsible grown-ups clean up after a big tacky prom!