This Christmas, we decided to start a new family tradition! We went to a Christmas farm not too far from our house and cut down our own fresh Christmas tree.
And here I am - saw in hand!
Mike helped me out. Cutting down a tree was a bit harder than I expected with that rinky-dink little saw they give you at the tree farm!
Bixby - our new puppy - got to come along to pick out our tree. He had a BLAST and loved all the smells.
Whenever I would point the camera at him, Bixby would raise himself up on the bales of hay that we rode on to get to the part of the farm with the trees. He looked like he was posing. haha.
Poor Mike had all the tree farm guys fooled with his Carhart overalls. He got to the checkout and the attendant picked up the tree, and asked which TRUCK was his. haha. He sheepishly pointed to the Nissan Altima.
The good news is, the tree made it to our house in one piece - and Mike somehow managed to see out of the windows well enough to get US home safely too!
So much fun! Little did we know that our Christmas tree saga had only begun...
Yay! I can't wait to hear more! That first picture of Bixby is awesome - he really did strike a wonderful pose for you!