Kathy and Mike

Kathy and Mike


We have silly friends.

And now...the countdown of the top three silliest wedding gifts we received! (drum roll please.....)
If this isn't proof that our friends are SILLY, I don't know what is.

#3 - Mystery cans
Our dear friends Claire and John got us a box full of unidentified canned goods for our wedding. Silly? Indeed. The instructions are as follows: You are to open a can before you begin to plan your meal, and then you must somehow incorporate the canned item into your meal. It brings mystery and adventure to every day life! 
Haha. It still cracks me up when I think about our puzzled expressions when we opened a box of unmarked canned goods. (And to their credit, Claire and Jon did also get us a very nice "real" gift. haha.) Thanks, Claire & John, and congratulations on placing in our Top Three Countdown!

#2 - El tigre
From our friend Krantz, with a message that reads, "I hope you don't mind the card. It was selected for me. Hopefully it will add some variety to your card reading." I don't know which of the other Triangle guys is to blame/thank for this card selection, but, Krantz, you'll have to thank them for helping you qualify for our countdown! It definitely did add some variety to our wedding card reading. haha! Hilarious.

#1 - ???
There are not words to describe our winner. 
Haha...yeah...some wonderful, anonymous soul (although I have a suspect in mind) dropped this in with our wedding cards. Unique. Creative. And proof that our friends are totally nuts. 
Also, as a contest bonus, we'd love to be able to put a nice "thank you" to the person who is responsible for this creative winning masterpiece. So.....tattle away! :) (Inquiring minds are dying to know!)

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