Kathy and Mike

Kathy and Mike


Mactus the Cactus

So, I have this thing for naming my house plants, as many of you already know. What you may not have realized is that naming your houseplant creates a certain level of sentimental attachment. Or, at least is does for me. So...if I get a grocery store clearance potted orchid, for example, I don't name it, because I don't think it will last. I only name plants that I think will stick around. 

So, when I first got my cactus, it seemed a bit on the puny side. He stuck around for a while, but was referred to with little affection as "the cactus." When listed with Willy, Mardi and Edy, this clearly indicated that "the cactus" was not the one nearest and dearest to our hearts. 

I guess the cactus felt he had something to prove because long about Thanksgiving he started showing off a PLETHORA of tiny little flower buds. I admittedly got pretty stoked. I told Mike that once he started blossoming, he was going to legitimize his place in our home. Thus, he needed a name. 

Mike decided his name should rhyme, so he became "Mactus the Cactus." Mactus seemed like a very manly name....and then the flowers started blooming, and we discovered that Mactus is quite in touch with his fuchsia-feminine side. Check this dude out --

Here's Mactus - ready for his close up!

He's still in full bloom with more buds indicating that there are more flowers to come! And we're happy that Mactus is now an honored member of our house plant fam! haha. 
(Yes, I know this is ridiculous. Don't judge me. And, you have to admit that Mactus is both a cool name and an awesome looking cactus!)